Since introducing Invisalign to the general public in May of 2000, it’s become an industry leader in teeth-straightening systems and has improved more than 5 million smiles around the world. At our practice, Dr. Hardt and Dr. Monterroso rely on this advanced dental treatment to help men, women, and teenagers get the smiles they’ve always dreamed of without the discomfort and nuisance of traditional metal braces.
Here are eight cool facts that set Invisalign apart from other teeth-straightening systems.
1. Invisalign treatments are different for everyone.
Invisalign comes with ClinCheck®, a patented software system that enables Dr. Hardt and Dr. Monterroso to create a personalized teeth-straightening treatment plan based on a 3D model of your teeth. This technology allows them to finely tune the movement of individual teeth in your mouth, and you receive custom-made aligners fabricated for your specific course of treatment.
2. With Invisalign, you know exactly what you’re going to get.
During your first appointment, Dr. Hardt and Dr. Monterroso record a 3D image of your teeth using Invisalign’s iTeroElement® scanner. Using this tool, they can create a preview of your new-and-improved smile. This means you know exactly what to expect during your Invisalign treatment and when it’s complete.
3. Invisalign’s removable aligners aren’t common plastic.
Invisalign removable aligners may look like everyday plastic, but they’re made from a special medical-grade thermoplastic known as SmartTrack®. This patented material is FDA-approved and contains no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten.
4. The Invisalign system uses controlled pressure that straightens teeth fast.
To straighten your teeth, Invisalign removable aligners exert gentle and controlled pressure to move your teeth. This innovative approach offers a more comfortable experience as your teeth shift into their new positions. During your Invisalign treatment, you can expect each of your aligner trays to move your teeth up to one-third of a millimeter every two weeks. So, you can expect to see improvements in your smile up to 50% faster than you would with traditional braces!
5. It’s not a diet tool, but Invisalign could help you lose weight.
Invisalign doesn’t claim to slim your waistline, but because you wear your custom-made aligners for 20-22 hours each day, they can help you avoid unnecessary snacking between meals. Plus, it’s also important to clean your teeth and aligners after eating and drinking, so that could make you think twice before grabbing that afternoon snack.
6. You’ll spend less of your free time at the dentist.
Straightening your teeth with Invisalign is so easy, you only visit Dr. Hardt and Dr. Monterroso every six weeks to eight weeks to monitor your progress. During these checkups, they look to see if your teeth are straightening as planned and ensure that everything is moving forward smoothly. Since you don’t have the hassle of wires or brackets to adjust, these appointments are quick, simple, and painless.
7. You could ditch your braces for Invisalign.
The Invisalign teeth straightening system can correct a wide variety of dental issues by shifting your teeth from forward to back, side to side, and even rotating them. This makes Invisalign an effective treatment in many cases after having traditional braces removed. Still, Invisalign isn’t for everyone. Dr. Hardt and Dr. Monterroso work closely with you during your initial consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign treatment while outlining the best strategy to help you achieve the perfect smile.
8. Celebrities love Invisalign too!
Dentists aren’t the only ones who love the proven results Invisalign has to offer. This popular teeth straightening system has also discreetly improved the smiles of numerous celebrities over the years. Stars who took advantage of Invisalign’s barely noticeable approach include Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise, Eva Longoria, and Oprah Winfrey.
To see if Invisalign can improve your smile, call our office at Dr. Richard Hardt, D.D.S. in Porterville, California, or schedule an appointment online today.